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Chapel Green School

Speech and Language Therapy

Support aims to improve talking and understanding of language, including vocal problems, swallowing and eating difficulties, professional expertise is provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services.

The therapist supports the teaching in school. Staff will follow individual's plans to ensure consistency for our pupils.

The school follows the Total Communication approach and uses sign language (Signalong), symbols and other communication aids to assist pupil’s communication. The school actively promotes the use of PECS across all areas of learning and is using the strategies promoted in TEACCH to assist pupils on the Autistic Spectrum.

Graduated Approach



School approaches / staff training includes: Signalong / Communicate in Print / Various App’s that support communication through AAC / PECS / Dysphagia training / Suctioning and SATS monitoring etc...


To find out more about Speech and Language Therapy in Norfolk please click on this link